4 May
5 Reasons Why Kids Camp is Awesome

Although every child is unique, at Newtonshow we’re firm believers that everyone can benefit from attending our holiday camps. Whatever their interests, kids can gain important social and cognitive skills at camp and make special memories along the way. Here are just 5 of the many benefits we believe that camps can offer:
We hope that everyone who comes to camp will go home having learnt some new STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) concepts while also having a lot of fun. But good camps offer so much more than this. Away from family, and outside of their normal school social groups, kids can learn to be more independent, while also making new friendships.
Being able to thrive outside of the security of their normal comfort zones helps kids establish their own identities and can be a massive boost to their self-esteem. In a safe, nurturing environment, kids feel able to try new things and push their boundaries just that little bit more.
Screen-free enrichment
There are many benefits to living in a technological age but, let’s face it, few kids today get insufficient screen time. For many families screens/devices have become a battleground between parents and their children. Good holiday camps for children offer fun, screen-free activities that can remind kids that there is more to life than pixels and trying to get to the next level. At camp they will get a good balance between play and learning; the ultimate goal is that the boundary between the two becomes hard to distinguish.
Teamwork and respect
Another benefit of a holiday camp for kids is the opportunity to work in new groups and learn how to work in teams. Through this interaction with kids from other schools, other nationalities, other races and religions, they learn to respect differences. It’s through these experiences that they come to understand that it’s fine to hold different opinions and that sometimes it’s the quietest person in the group that has the best ideas.
Lifelong skills
As one of the more established kids camps in Singapore, we’ve often asked kids what they’d like to be when they grow up. Popular initial responses from boys have included footballer, Youtuber, soldier, and professional gamer. Favourites with girls have often been veterinarian, teacher, chef, writer, and actor. We think it’s important to keep kids’ options broad at this stage and we’ve been pleased to witness children inspired to consider careers as scientists, architects, engineers, astronauts, and AI experts as well. The world is changing rapidly and it’s clear that many of the careers that our kids will embark upon haven’t been invented yet. In this environment some of the most important lifelong skills, and ones which we try to foster, are creativity, critical thinking and problem solving. We hope that attending Newtonshow camps will help to prepare kids for whatever the future may hold.